The Glasshouse Grille Hours of Operation
Lunch Monday thru Friday
Dinner Monday thru Saturday
Beginning at 5:00
Seneca Center
709 Beechurst Ave.
Morgantown, WV 26505
(304) 296-8460
We are located on the lower level of the Seneca Center, 709 Beechurst Ave.
Park on the upper level and follow the canopy down the stairs to our door! There are few handicapped parking spaces on the lower level.
From I-68 East or West:
•Take exit 1, University Ave., Downtown Rt. 119
•Turn left at end of ramp and follow Rt 119N to Rt 7W (rt. 119 turns off & the street becomes Rt 7)
•You will pass through 9 traffic signals after making a left onto Rt 119 (approximately 4.7 miles). Follow the blue signs to the Visitors Center
•After the 9th traffic signal turn left into the Seneca Center parking lot
From I-79 North or South:
•Take exit 155 West Virginia University Rt. 7
•From I-79 South turn left at end of ramp
•From I-79 North bear right at end of ramp
•Turn right at the first traffic signal (Sheets Store)
•Follow Rt. 7 E. through 2 more traffic signals
•Proceed down the hill until the 4 lanes narrow to 2 and turn right into the Seneca Center Parking Lot (approximately 3.0 miles)